
Sunday, December 4, 2005

(transferred from my old MySpace account)
Ah, sometimes I'm a dork. Eh, comes with being me ;)

It is good to have fun though.

Anyway, I haven't yet mentioned the visit from my family. It was perfect and wonderful. Thanksgiving turned out great. After that I took them to St. Augustine, then we had a day off and my sister and I went dancing that night....haven't done that in so long, and how I miss it! I wish I could fly her out here every weekend. After we went dancing my dad took us all to Disney World. Very busy week, but it was one of the best ever.

Here are a few photos:

My aunt Karen and my mom....and some good ol' Sangria, preparing Thanksgiving dinner

My crazy dad trying to get everyone to swim. Crazy because the pool wasn't heated.

My sister and I getting ready to head out.

Ry and Andrea.

And one last check before we're ready to go.


As for last night, Jen had her 21st birthday party. It was a fun little get together. Ha

Happy 21 to Jen!

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