
Thursday, August 31, 2006


(transferred from my old MySpace account)

Hello hello
It has been a while since I was last on Myspace, let alone updated you all on what is going on.
Well, I've got 7 more weeks to go until my due date. I'm hoping she comes closer to the first estimated due date (which was October 9). I am SO ready for her to be born. I know people keep on saying that the last month is going to be very long, but what they don't realize is that this whole YEAR has been long! See, being a Taurus, once I finally decide on something, I am ready to have it happen immediately. Patience is something that is hard for me to come by sometimes. ;) Sort of like Veruca Salt "I Want it NOW". The trick for me has always been making the decision. That can take me forever (like deciding on a career or major in college, for example). With that said, I've been ready since the beginning of the year. And with the 2 months of me being very sick, I was very ready for her to be born. But, as Ryan said, she has to grow. Well, as she has grown, naturally I have grown, and I am getting huge! UGH! It is depressing. I have had many requests for preggo pictures, but I haven't taken any. I'm trying to get myself to go to the beach and take some tonight, but....eeep, I'm so self conscious about the 'extra baggage'. I can't wait till the little one is born so I can start working out.

In the meantime I've been busy with two at home jobs. One is The Body Shop at Home. It has been going ok. I've been working very hard on it, and with some success. Thanks to everyone supporting me! :) The bummer is though that I've had several open house parties for the neighbors, and with a few of them none of them show up, and with one only one neighbor came (when several others said they would). This even with free drinks, food, and door prizes! Now who wouldn't come to that? I guess I live in a hoity-toity neighborhood. I hope I can get this business to work, though. It is a struggle since I don't like to be pushy like some Mary Kay reps I have had the experience of being with. Wish me luck!

I've also been working for my old boss at Century 21. I just don't know how much longer it will work out. Hopefully The Body Shop opp will flourish.

We are slowly getting prepared for our little girl's arrival. We're not doing a baby room since we'll only be in this house for a little over a year after she is born. Plus, I don't think she will care if the room is completely decorated in some sort of theme. ;) Don't worry, though, I won't be placing her in my music studio with all my posters...I don't want to make her too wild so soon. I'm sure I'll have enough of that 13 years down the road.

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