
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thoughts of the moment

Zelda is now taking a nap, prior to which we were dancing and singing Karaoke Goldfrapp & Muse. Zelda loved it so much that she was giving me kisses and hugs during the songs. She is so awesome.

LOST season finale was amazing...ran through all emotions, completed some circles and opened more that show!

Not surprised Hilary is going to conceed, but I am surprised I feel a bit bummed about that. Perhaps I cared more about it than I thought, perhaps its just pms.

I'm so getting into backyard is going to be an awesome oasis. So far I have some hibiscus, birds of paradise, butterfly bush, avocados, queen palms, and other goodies. I'm expecting even more plants in a few back yard was naked when we moved in so we couldn't have enough.

I almost called this little entry 'musings', but I'm not that silly
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