
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful time this past Mother's Day. Ryan took Zelda out to buy some potted flowers, which has been the tradition over the past few years. I just adore it. I remember last year Zelda was just learning what flowers were, and she was excited to show me them. This year she was just as excited. Coming in from the garage, she handed me a little flower pot, saying "Here mommy! Look! Flowers!" As I took the pot from her she worked at picking a little flower off the plant, and when she got it off she handed it to me and said "Here you go!". She is so cute! She picks flowers off of our plants in the front yard and hands them to me or Ryan all the time. Good thing the plants she picks from flower a lot, and all year.

For a morning activity we went out for breakfast at Port Canaveral. Driving on the bridges over the water way, Zelda would point out all the boats, and commented on a smaller one being a "baby boat". I have noticed lately that when we drive over the causeways she gets quite excited. This makes me smile as I remember it was one of my favorite things when we used to come visit my Grandparents here when I was little.

We ate at a restaurant on the water, right by the casino boats. One was docking off as we were waiting for breakfast, and without warning blew its extremely loud horn. This startled about everyone, and made Zelda cry. To console her I thought it would be good to show her what it was all about, so we walked over to the balcony to watch the boat be tugged out. I thought she would love seeing the big boat, but she actually loved the 'baby boat' (the tug boat). When it got out of view she said "Bye baby boat!". She waved at some people on the casino boat as it sailed off. Our food was then served so we sat down, enjoying some yummy breakfast and the lovely sea breeze.

The rest of the day we took it easy. I decided to take a day off from all housework. :) Ryan was an awesome help. He & Zelda also bought me the Sims 2, so I dinked around on that for a while. Zelda loved seeing Mommy, Daddy, and herself as a Sim character.

Well, I just heard the garage door open...Zelda & Ry just got home from church. I stayed home because I was exhausted. Gotta keep my rest up until Wednesday. I'm so excited...we'll be having our ultrasound in the morning, going to a free Disney day (they let you go for free on your birthday) then to Wolfgang Pucks. Yay, yay, yay!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Once Upon a Dream, part 2

Here is the video of Zelda singing in the little microphone as I wrote about in a previous post. The second part is a few days later; she is watching her reflection in the sliding glass door. Enjoy!

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