
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Whats goin on

Whew, it has been a long time since I've really written a decent entry about what is going on. I have so much to catch up on. I'll write what I remember, but if you have any specific questions about what I've been up to let me know.

Well now, obviously the biggest thing going on in my life is Zelda. She is so awesome. It has been almost 6 months since she was born and I cannot believe how much she has grown. We like to dance around, hang out, and she just loves our cat Tiger Lily. She just got her first two teeth, and those few days before they broke were rough with all of the crankiness. We got her first portraits taken, some of which I have posted under my pictures.

I spend most of my days caring for her now. She is eating food, and I haven't found anything she doesn't like yet. She must not have gotten my pickiness or my allergies (hopefully).
It is great being able to stay home and care for her. I'm glad Ryan can supply a good enough income to enable that. I'm sure I'll be looking for a part time job soon. I'll just work a weekend day and some hopefully I'll find something good enough to fill those times.

I am really wanting to start up school. I've just got to work out when it will be best. It will either be this fall or next spring, but I am for sure going to do it. I'm really excited to get it started. I was going to register to start this summer, but I don't think the timing will work, that and being preggo took away my brain cells temporarily. I've been struggling with getting my preggo weight off...grr it has been so much more difficult than I expected.
Breaking bad habits, and finding time to get a real workout in is tough. But I'll do it, hopefully sooner than later.

In February we had a visit from Matt/Mafu. It was a fantastic time. We did quite a bit in the few days he was here. We went to Indiafest, which was delightful, and the next day we ventured to MegaCon. I've never been to such a nerd fest in my life. It proved to be entertaining, though, with all of the silly people in costumes. They posed each time Matt took a picture (he was like the megacon paparazi). We met Sean Astin there, got an autograph and a picture with him and Zelda (posted in my pictures), and met the guy who played Pedro on Napolean Dynamite (he talks like that in real life, ha!). There were a bunch of other celebs, but you had to pay to get a picture or an autograph. Lame. I also met Bomberman. (posted as well) We had a wonderful time with Matt!

I had a visit from Andrea and Evan 2 weeks ago. I am so glad they came out. It was just too short, but wonderful. The three of us went to Downtown Disney to shake our groove thing while Ryan watched Zelda. That is one thing about Orlando...I love the dance clubs, and Downtown Disney is fab as you get access to several clubs at once (Leah, I wish I discovered it before you left! :( ) Unfortunately we didn't take enough pictures. I don't know why I've been forgetting to do that lately. In a couple of days we fly out to Texarkana to visit my grandparents. It will be Zelda's first flight, and I'm glad it will only be 2 hours long. I'm looking forward to a nice relaxing Southern weekend (yes, if living in Florida you have to go north to go South). My parents will be out here in May and arriving just in time for my birthday. I can't believe I'm going to be turning 27!!! Aaaa! Where has the time gone? I'm so excited for their visit, and wish they could stay for weeks or even forever, but I'll take what I can get. There are plans for me to go out to Utah this August, I'll let you know more when I find out, and perhaps even December ( I hope!). It will be so great to see my old friends again.

Lets see, what else have I been doing.....
I've made some good friends in the past year, too, and keep meeting more awesome people. One of my now good friends Julie is having a wedding in June and I'm so excited for her (Oh, Julie, Call me if you haven't by now). Julie and I have been getting together to do a lot of Karaoke. She could kick everyone's butt on this seasons American Idol for sure.
We've also got a swimming pool now, yay! It has been lovely here in Florida lately. I wish all my out of state friends would come for a visit. The house we are staying in is great for parties....we plan on one for my birthday (birthday is May 20th, party is the 19th). I've put my Body Shop selling on hold for a few months until business will pick up again, probably late summer, when I can devote a lot more time to it.

Oh, and I've just fallen in love with the show LOST! I can't believe how obsessed with the show I've become. I didn't start watching the show until shortly after Zelda was born. I needed something to keep me entertained for middle of the night feedings (She used to take 1 1/2 hours at a time) so I Netflixed the show and immediately got hooked. Those of you who watch it would understand. It just isn't your typical show.

Wow, there is an amazing storm going on right now. Florida storms are something to be respected as they can be so strong.

Anyway, I think that is good enough for now.


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