
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Energy: With-in and With-out

(Transferred from the blog Spirit Facet)

I tend to refer to spiritual energy often, and here is an elaboration of this concept.

Energy at its most basic source is neutral.  Much in the way of the Dao (Tao), what is just is, and life energy is simply flowing.    For a human to be perfectly content, aspiration towards this neutral form of energy would be best.  However, humans are quite complicated, and our energy is equally complicated.  Our conscience awareness, and perception of differences, reflect on how energy fluctuates.  We are aware of generosity, love, happiness, togetherness, selfishness, separation, anger, etc. It is through actions and intent that manifestations of this energy gain a life of its own.  Neutrality is simple as it is the basis, yet it is complicated because balancing in the realm of neutrality can be difficult in modern life.  There are internal and external actions that help to deem what energy has the most influence on us at a given time. 

Connecting with existing energy can make a person spiritually stronger, or dark.  If a person repeatedly causes harm, whether to others or to themselves, they get caught in the negative energy from that harm.  One can even seem to be stuck in a perpetual loop of negativity.  This can manifest physically, mentally, and/or spiritually.  Everyone has their moments of negativity, though we must be vigilant to not stay stuck in that track. 

Likewise, a person can work toward positive energy.  Doing good for others and oneself can bring one further into this realm of energy.  One must take care with doing good for themselves as to not make it selfish, but rather that the good he does also causes no harm to others.  As the positive actions grow, the positive energy outside of them responds and connects to the individual.

To quote Albert Einstein, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be converted from one form to another."  What energy we put out of ourselves continues to exist.  It may transform into other manifestations, but it will never end. What we put out we attract.  In this way, happiness seems simple: to be happy, act happy.  Even manipulating your body to smile when you don't feel happy can cause your brain to release a small amount of hormones that you feel when you are happy, and therefore may cause you to start to feel happy.  The same is for the opposite: frown, and you may start to feel upset. 

There is a spiritual effect that is similar.  Spiritual focus in particular direction will cause you to feel that spiritual energy.  It is taught by some gurus that mantras, or chants, are "words of power".  A particular mantra for an aspect of spiritual focus would have been previously chanted by many people for many years.  Some mantras are ancient.  It is believed that the energy from the chanting has its own life in the universe, and by chanting the mantra the individual connects directly with this energy aspect that is in existence.  This gives the mantra power, and therefore the chanter can begin to absorb this power.  Most are focused for worship, some for healing, higher-self/love connection, and other purposes.  Prayer, rituals, spells, hymns, and ritual dancing all work in a similar manner.  Its like turning on a radio to a particular station, hearing the song, then singing along and becoming a part of the music.

Energy can also have its own imprinted existence in physical locations.  A location used for the focus of positive work, like a church or other sacred ground, will have a positive energy that can be perceived even when the work is not presently active.  Locations of dramatic events can maintain the energy of that event for quite some time.  Because we are beings of energy, what happens in our lives can be left behind as energy residuals.  This is the cause of some locations being haunted.  There may not be any spirits or ghosts present, but the energy residual is still there, and at times even repeating the event like a scratched track on a vinyl record.

Energy is constantly being manipulated, simultaneously created and absorbed in a flow of impermanence.  Our Universe is expanding, using this created energy in its growth.  In turn, we humans can also use this energy awareness in our spirit growth.  Connect with the energy for that which you want to grow, through repeated acts that work for you, and by visiting locations that give you a sense of spiritual strength.

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